Welcome to the pages of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

Please, check regularly special website dedicated to current UL’s status: http://covid19.uni.lodz.pl/

The following is the current information in chronological order:

May 18, 2023

Degree Projects 2023/2024 – obligatory online meeting for
– 2nd year students of Bachelor Degree (DLIa2)
– 1st year students of Master Degree (DUIa1)

Students are invited to a meeting on Degree Projects in the academic year 2023/2024.
The meeting for the Bachelor degree 2nd year students is scheduled for 22.05.2023 at 5:00 PM.
The meeting for the Master degree 1st year students is scheduled for 23.05.2023 at 6:00 PM.
Proposed thesis topics are to be presented at the meeting.
Presence on the meeting is obligatory.
The meeting is to be added to the Teams Calendar.

May 15, 2023

Registration for Elective Courses 2023/2024

Electronic Registration in USOSweb for Elective Courses in the 2023/2024 Academic Year starts on 17th of May at 8.00 AM and finishes on 22th of May at 8.00 AM.
Students are obliged to check the list of elective courses – Electives 2023/2024.
Students are obliged to make a choice according to the study programme, the year of study and the ECTS credits.
Dean’s Office

February 2, 2023


TOKEN REGISTRATION FOR PHYSICAL EDUCATION CLASSES in the summer semester 2022/2023 starts on the 13th February 2023 at 9.00 a.m. and finishes on the 5th March 2023 at midnight.
Students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science should choose PE classes on Thursdays from 7:30am to 12:00pm, as there are no other classes scheduled during this time.
For more please read:
Token registration instruction
Conditions of participation

January 12, 2023

Curriculum Exam in Foreign Language for 1st year students of Bachelor degree

The curriculum exam in foreign language for 1st year students of Bachelor degree will be held on 27 January 2023 at the Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science of the University of Lodz (ul.Pomorska 149/153) at: 10:00 AM-12:30 PM (written part in the Small Hall) and 1:00 PM (oral part – in the Faculty rooms).

Please arrive 15 minutes early and wait for verification on the basis of your identity card or student identity card, allowing you to enter the hall and take the exam.

After the written part, you will be directed to the appropriate rooms. The oral examination takes place in pairs determined by the examiners.

January 9, 2023

Teacher and course evaluation surveys for the winter semester 2022/2023

Please complete the teacher and course evaluation surveys on USOSweb. Students of Computer Science in English are to fill out the surveys in the English version only.

The surveys are anonymous and will be active from 9.01.2023 8:00 AM to 30.01.2023 8:00 AM.

Survey code: 1100-22/23_N_Z

January 5, 2023

Exam dates – the winter session 2022/2023

Exam dates for the winter session 2022/2023 are available on the Faculty Webpage.
To check exam dates click here

dr hab. Dorota Bors, prof. UŁ

October 18, 2022

10/24/2022 – Meeting on the compulsory foreign language diagnostic test for DLIa1 students

Please be advised that in accordance with the resolution No. 206 of the Senate of the University of Lodz on: the principles of achieving learning outcomes by students of the University of Lodz in the field of knowledge and ability to use a modern foreign language, the Department of Foreign Languages of the University of Lodz in consultation with the authorities of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Lodz organizes a compulsory for all first-year students of the first-cycle studies, a test determining the level of knowledge of a modern foreign language.

Information meeting on the diagnostic test for 1st year full-time students of computer science, majoring in computer science (DLIa1), 1st degree full-time studies, will be held on-line on October 24, 2022 at 12:00 via MS Teams

October 3, 2022

Information meeting about studies

Dear Students,

I would like to cordially invite all students of I degree (Bachelor degree) and II degree (Master degree) that study Computer Science in English to attend the information meeting about studies.

The meeting for first-year students of Bachelor degree is scheduled for October 12th, 2022, Wednesday, at 2:15 PM in Aula of Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science.

The meeting for first-year students of Master degree is scheduled for October 11th, 2022, Tuesday, at 6:00 PM in Aula of Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science.

Presence is obligatory.

dr hab. Dorota Bors, prof. UŁ

September 15, 2022


TOKEN REGISTRATION FOR PHYSICAL EDUCATION CLASSES in the winter semester 2022/2023 starts on the 26th September 2022 at 9.00 a.m. and finishes on the 14th October 2022 at midnight.

Detailed information and instructions can be found here:

May 24, 2022

Registration for elective courses 2022/23

Dear Students,
I would kindly inform you that the registration for elective courses 2022/23 starts tomorrow, on 25th of May.
The registration starts at 8.00 a.m. and finishes on 30th of May at 8.00 a.m.
Please check the list of elective courses which you can find on our website. Please make a choice according to your programme of study, year of study and points ECTS.

Dean’s Office
Żaneta Jędrzejczak

May 19, 2022

Registration for Degree Projects 22/23

Dear Students, the registration for the:
· Degree Project 1 and Preparation for BA
· Degree Project 1 and Preparation for MA
will be active from 23/05/2022 at 8.00 a.m. and finishes on 30/05/2022 at 8.00 a.m.

If there are any problems with the registration please contact with us: plan@wmii.uni.lodz.pl

May 12, 2022

Degree Projects 2022/2023 – obligatory online meeting for
– 2nd year students of Bachelor Degree (DLIa2)
– 1st year students of Master Degree (DUIa1)


I would like to invite students to the meeting on Degree Projects in 2022/2023.
The meeting for the Bachelor degree 2nd year students is scheduled for 17.05.2022 at 6:00 PM.
The meeting for the Master degree 1st year students is scheduled for 19.05.2022 at 5:00 PM.
During the meeting the topics of Degree Projects in 2022/2023 will be presented.
Presence on the meeting is obligatory.
Student can find the meeting in Teams Calendar.

dr hab. Dorota Bors, prof. UŁ

April 13, 2022

New Erasmus internship opportunities

Since summer time is coming, we have prepared for you new Erasmus internship opportunities with the start in April – June 2022.


You can find all our open positions here.
Students can also submit an online application at our website www.placementslovakia.com and state the sectors they would like to have internships in.


The conditions of our program stay the same:
– no fees for students,
– free accommodation provided,
– lunch allowance provided
– professional training and courses
– constant support by our team.


See more opportunities! 

March 9, 2022




February 11, 2022


We kindly inform you that for WMiI students these are paid classes.
For more information click here

February 10, 2022



Dear Students,

in the summer semester 2021/2022 starts on the 14th February 2022 at 8.00 a.m. and finishes on the 6th March 2022 at midnight.

PE classes start on the 21st February 2022.

Physical education classes of 60 hours (2 x 30h per semester) are compulsory for full-time first-cycle students.



More information there is on website


January 10, 2022

Exam dates

Exam dates for the winter session 2021/2022 are available on the Faculty Webpage.

To check exam dates click here

dr hab. Dorota Bors, prof. UŁ

December 10, 2021

Electronic registration for elective courses in the summer semester 2021/2022

Master degree program – summer semester 2021/2022

Electronic registration for elective courses in the summer semester 2021/2022 will be open on USOSweb platform
from 08:00 AM 14.12.2021
till 11:00 PM 19.12.2021

Electronic registration will be available for the first year students of II degree (MSc).

Student is obliged to select elective courses for the required number of ECTS points specified in the study program.

November 8, 2021

Diagnostic test in modern languages – meeting for the first year students of Bachelor degree

The meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 10.11.2021 at 12:15 PM on MS Teams platform.

Information on how to join the meeting has been sent by email.

October 14, 2021

Obligatory online courses for 1st year students

We inform all students beginning their studies in the academic year 2021/2022, you are required to pass three online courses:

– OSH course
– Training course in copyright 2021
– Library training 2021

Courses are available to 30 November 2021 on https://moodle.uni.lodz.pl/course/index.php
The entrance to the course is possible after logging on the platform and enroll to the course, the enrolment key is required.

The enrolment key for Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science students is MA74

In case of technical queries, please contact the platform administrator:
email: helpdesk@uni.lodz.pl

Dean Office

October 11, 2021

Introductory meeting for the first year students of Computer Science in English

Dear Students,
I would like to cordially invite all students of I degree (Bachelor degree) and II degree (Master degree) that study Computer Science in English to attend the information meeting about studies.

The meeting for the first year students of Bachelor degree is scheduled for October 13th, 2021, Wednesday, at 8:15 AM in Aula of Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science.

The meeting for the first year students of Master degree is scheduled for October 13th, 2021, Wednesday, at 12:15 PM in Aula of Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science.

Presence is obligatory.

dr hab. Dorota Bors, prof. UŁ

September 29, 2021

Covid regulations

General Safety Rules at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Introduced to Prevent the Spread of SARSCoV-2
(Annex 2 to Regulation No. 174 of the UL Rector of 18 September 2020)
For more information click here.

September 27, 2021

Registration for Physical Education for the winter 2021/2022

Dear Students,
I would like to inform you that registration for Physical Education classes for the winter semester 2021/2022 will start on September 27 (Monday) at 1:00 PM and will finish on October 10 (Sunday) at 12:00 AM

Each student who is required to enroll in Physical Education classes should have the token 3701-CW. This can be checked in REGISTRATIONS section in USOS. If it is not there, please report this fact to the e-mail address studiumwfis@uni.lodz.pl.

Full information about registration is posted on the website http://www.swfis.uni.lodz.pl/index.php?ac=s

Study of Physical Education and Sport
University of Lodz
ul. Styrska 5
91 – 404 Lodz
42 665 51 89

September 25, 2021

Class Schedule for the winter semester 2021/2022

Class Schedule for the winter semester 2021/2022 is available on the Faculty Webpage

To check class schedule click here.
Due to possible small changes, please check your class schedule before the start of the winter semester.

June 8, 2021

IT Banashi – Does Citrix rhyme with Cloud?

This is a second session around Virtualization. Previous focused on Virtualization introduction, this one focuses on Citrix Cloud. Whether you attended previous session or not – feel free to join!

Time: Jun 17, 2021 05:30 PM.

Webinar registration.

June 8, 2021

Seminar registrations blocked until further notice

Dear Students,
we kindly remind you that according to the information you received by e-mail on June 3, 2021, registration for seminars was blocked until further notice due to technical problems with the central USOS system base. Work on resolving this situation is still ongoing. You will be notified by e-mail about the unlocking and the possibility of further registration. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Ewa Chmura, Żaneta Jędrzejczak

Dean’s office of WMiI UŁ

June 8, 2021

Questionnaires of evaluation of teachers in summer semester 2020/2021 – for students of all type of study


Dear Students,
due to introduction of a new questionnaire model (Ordinance No. 157 of the Rector of the University of Lodz of 02/06/2021), the questionnaires prepared for you on the basis of current rules, which are described below, have been suspended until further notice. The new launch date will be announced soon.

Please fill in the questionnaires of evaluation of teachers on USOSweb in English version only.

The questionnaires are anonymous and will be active from 07.06.2021 till 21.06.2021.

Questionnaire’s Code: 1100-20/21_N_L

May 29, 2021



Electronic registration for Degree Projects in the academic year 2021/2022 will be open on USOSweb platform

from 8:00 AM 31.05.2021

till 11:00 PM 07.06.2021

Electronic registration will be available to students of I degree (BSc) 2nd year and students of II degree (MSc) 1st year.

May 19, 2021



Electronic registration for elective courses in the academic year 2021/2022 (both the winter semester and the summer semester) will be open on USOSweb platform

from 8:00 AM 22.05.2021

till 2:00 PM 28.05.2021

Electronic registration will be available to students of I degree (BSc) 1st year and 2nd year and students of II degree (MSc) 1st year.

Before registration check the list of elective courses on Faculty webpage

May 17, 2021

Attention Students – recruitment for the ICT Cluster Scholarship – deadline for applications 28.05.2021

ICT Cluster funded One-Off Scholarship for Particularly gifted students in the amount of 5000 PLN. This year also students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science UŁ can apply for this scholarship.

Applications can be submitted from Monday, 17 May to Friday, 28 May 2021 until 14.00 in room A214 at Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science.

We invite all students of our Faculty, both first and second degree, to apply for the scholarship.

Application form

May 4, 2021

Competence Academy 2021

Competence Academy 2021

Register for workshops within Competence Academy! It is our annual event where we invite representatives of companies from Łódź region to run a workshop and share their know-how. It is an excellent opportunity to learn from practitioners and to meet your future employer. You can gain not only valuable knowledge but also grow your professional network.

This year we host 5 workshops held in English. All of them are held online. Check the offer, register for workshops and gain a certificate of attendance!

For more information click here.

April 29, 2021

A success of our student – Interstudent 2021 from the University of Lodz!


Deepjyoti Nath from the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Lodz has been awarded a special prize in the Interstudent 2021 competition. The robotics enthusiast from India was awarded for his ROBO-UV project, i.e., a machine for surface disinfection with UV-C light.
For more information click here.

January 29, 2021

Erasmus+ – Enrolment for the academic year 2021/2022 (for full time students)

The electronic enrolment on the USOSweb platform for student mobility for studies within the ERASMUS+ Programme during the academic year 2020/2021 will start on 15.02.2021 at 12:00 p.m. and will run until 10.03.2021, 12:00 p.m.

The rules of the enrolment will be available on the website: https://bwz.uni.lodz.pl/llp-erasmus-studia/in-english

In addition to the electronic application a student should deliver to the Faculty Erasmus Coordinator (anna.lazinska@wmii.uni.lodz.pl) until 10.03.2021 (up to 12:00) a copy of the written statement of the knowledge required foreign language at an appropriate level (certificate or document from a language school) – the document required by the Faculty Recruitment Committee for the Erasmus Programme.

The outcomes of the recruitment process will be announced at the end of March 2021 (on the USOSweb platform and by e-mail to students interested in).

A student should on his/her own find the appropriate courses at the partner university.

Faculty Erasmus Coordinator

January 28, 2021

2021 Summer semester – announcement of UL Rector

Ladies and Gentlemen, dear Students and Employees of UL, with respect to the upcoming summer semester and your questions about its planned mode, I would like to inform you that the mode of education at the University of Lodz will not be changed. We are still functioning in a strict sanitary regime, therefore, teaching will be largely organized online, except for a very small number of practical classes that cannot be conducted remotely.

Despite commencement of vaccinations against Covid-19 in Poland, we have no grounds to assume that we will be able to introduce a stationary, or even to a much greater extent, hybrid mode of classes in the coming months.

Moreover, even if such a possibility during 2021 summer semester comes up, we cannot expect from students not living in Lodz to organize everything e.g. a flat, job etc. at such short notice.

I sincerely hope that in autumn we will all – students and employees – be able to come back to the premises of the University of Lodz.

Prof. Elżbieta Żądzińska
Rector of the University of Lodz


The original text can be found here.

Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs

January 19, 2021


Exam dates for the winter session 2020/2021 are available on the Faculty Webpage.
To check exam dates click here.

dr hab. Dorota Bors, prof. UŁ

January 18, 2021

Regulation no. 78 of the Rector of the University of Lodz of 11 January 2021
on: rules of verification of achieved study effects at the University of Lodz using the means of
electronic communication

Ladies and gentlemen,

we kindly inform you about the Regulation no. 78 of the Rector of the University of Lodz of 11 January 2021 on: rules of verification of achieved study effects at the University of Lodz using the means of electronic communication

The content of the act in English can be found below and in the Lex Database of Own Acts (link).

Regulation no. 78 of the Rector of the University of Lodz of 11 January 2021

Secretariat of WMiI UŁ

January 14, 2021

Winter exam session at UniLodz

Winter exam session at #UniLodz – how will exams look like? What will happen if the Internet fails during your exam? Those and other questions will be answered on Monday the 18th at 3 PM (15:00) at MS Teams platform.

To join the meeting clik the link https://cutt.ly/kjmmovB and log in using your official student’s email account.

We remind you, that it is still possible to ask questions concerning winter exam session – here or via email – promocja@uni.lodz.pl. See you soon!

exam session 1444

December 18, 2020

Work of the Student’s Office of WMiI UŁ during the holiday season

Student’s Office:

from 21.12.2020 to 23.12.2020 – works only remotely,
from 24.12.2020 to 03.12.2021 – is closed, the WMiI building is closed,
from 04.01.2021 to 08.01.2021 – works only remotely.

Student’s Office

December 9, 2020

First year students – electronic registration for elective courses in the summer semester 2020/2021

Electronic registration for Elective courses for the summer semester of Academic Year 2020/2021 will be open on USOSweb platform
from 09:00 AM 11.12.2020
till 11:00 PM 21.12.2020
Electronic registration will be available to the first year students of Computer Science in English, both I degree (BSc) and II degree (MSc).

For more information click here.

October 27, 2020

30.10-02.11.2020 – Student’s Office is closed

According to the Deans’ decision from 29.10.2020 Student’s Office is closed from 29.10.2020 to 02.11.2020.

Please contact us only by e-mail.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Secretariat of WMiI UŁ

October 27, 2020

Validity of student cards in the red zone. Information from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education on October 26, 2020

Ladies and Gentlemen,
In accordance with Art. 51b paragraph. 4 of the Act of July 20, 2018 – Law on Higher Education and Science (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 85, as amended) – student ID cards are valid, without necessity to confirm them during the limitation or suspension period of the functioning of the university and for 60 days after its completion.

The period of suspension or limitation of the operations of universities results from generally applicable law – the current regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of October 16, 2020 on the temporary limitation of the operation of certain entities of the higher education and science in connection with prevention, counteraction and combating COVID-19 (Journal of Laws item 1835).

In accordance with the above, student ID cards are valid, the validity of which under the above-mentioned the provisions of the act were to expire on November 29 this year, i.e. 60 days after the end of the previous limitation period for the functioning of universities set for September 30, 2020.

Therefore, there is no need for students to appear in person at the University to extend the validity of student cards.

Secretariat of WMiI UŁ (based on information from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education).

October 27, 2020

Introductory meeting for the first year students of Computer Science in English

Dear Student,

I would like to cordially invite all students of I degree (Bachelor degree) and II degree (Master degree) of Computer Science in English to attend the information meeting about studies.

The meeting the first year students of Bachelor degree is scheduled for October 29th, 2020, Thursday, at 9:00 AM as an online meeting via MS Teams application.

The meeting the first year students of Master degree is scheduled for October 29th, 2020, Thursday, at 11:00 AM as an online meeting via MS Teams application.

Messages about meetings are sent to the individual student account at @edu.uni.lodz.pl domain.

dr hab. Dorota Bors, prof. UŁ

October 20, 2020

Mandatory OSH and Copyright training

We inform Students beginning their studies in the academic year 2020/2021: you are required to pass the mandatory OSH training and The copyright.

Course will be available to 30 November 2020 on https://moodle.uni.lodz.pl/course/index.php?categoryid=104

The entrance to the course is possible after logging on the platform and enroll to the course, the enrolment key is required. The keys are the same as in OSH course (use the key assigned to your faculty – MA74;
Please, see more detailes.

Dean’s Office

October 20, 2020

New account – step by step

Remember about your new account @edu.uni.lodz.pl!
Please, see the detailes.

Dean’s Office

October 16, 2020

Deans’s Announcement

Ladies and gentlemen,

In connection with the decision of the Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki of October 15, 2020 to include the Łódź county into the red zone, I would like to inform you that from October 19 this year by January 8, 2021, all forms of classes at WMiI (except for teaching practice in primary schools) will be carried out only online using internet tools. This also applies to departmental seminars.

During the scheduled office hours, academic teachers should be available to students via the Teams application.

There is no restriction of access to the building for employees. Small group meetings for research purposes in the faculty building are possible.

Exams and credits for the extended summer session may be held in the Faculty building with the consent of all interested parties via e-mail. In the absence of such consent, the examination should be conducted remotely.

Sanitary rules must be strictly observed in the building.

Grażyna Horbaczewska
Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
University of Łódź

WMiI UŁ Secretariat

October 14, 2020

Class Schedules for the winter semester 2020/2021

Class Schedules for the winter semester 2020/2021 is available on the Faculty Webpage
Please, see Winter Semester 2020/2021

October 14, 2020

Registration for Physical Education classes for students of 2nd year and 3rd year of 1st degree (Bachelor Degree Program)

Physical Education classes in the winter semester 2020/2021 begin on October 19, 2020.

Registration for Physical Education is from: 2020-10-15 09:00 a.m., to: 2020-10-29 11:59 p.m.

For more information click here

Source: www.swfis.uni.lodz.pl

October 5, 2020


Please, see the teaching regulations of Department of Physical Education and Sports of University of Lodz.

Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs

October 1, 2020

Microsoft Office 365 at the University of Lodz – new email accounts for students

Dear Students!

In the coming days, you will be given access to a new email account, the activation of which is MANDATORY. Together with your account, you will get free Office 365 Pro Plus, which you can install on your private devices.

We are starting the new academic year with a new student email address in @edu.uni.lodz.pl domain. Regardless of whether you have been studying at the University of Lodz for some time or it is your first year, you will receive the access to a new account.

For more information you may go to:
International Students Office, University of Lodz Homepage
International Students Office, University of Lodz FB





September 24, 2020

Organization of classes in the winter semester 2020/21

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Students,

the distance learning semester is over for most of you and surely you wonder what the classes will look like in the upcoming winter semester. Due to the university regulations at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, in the winter semester 2020/2021, classes will be conducted in a mixed manner.

The vast majority of lectures will be conducted online, while the remaining forms of classes will be conducted in a hybrid manner. In selected weeks of the semester you will participate in classes stationary, in the faculty building. In the remaining weeks, classes will be conducted online, according to the timetable. Unfortunately, this will result in the lack of a fixed timetable – the timetable may vary from week to week of the semester. We make every effort to ensure that the plan is prepared as soon as possible and that you will have the best possible contact with the lecturers in the coming semester.

The rules of accounting for absences from classes are determined by the course coordinator. They will be presented during the first class.

We assure you that face-to-face classes will be organized in accordance with the rules of sanitary safety.

The teachers’ office hours are conducted online at scheduled times, using the preferred online communication tools. In justified cases, the student may ask for a stationary meeting, subject to the sanitary regime.

We are waiting for you at the Faculty. Despite the undoubtedly difficult situation, we wish you much success.

With best regards,
Dean’s College

July 2, 2020

Announcement from the Head of the WMiI UŁ Library

We kindly inform that the Faculty Library is open to students on Mondays and Fridays from 10.00 to 14.00 and on Wednesdays from 12.00-16.00.

Due to the epidemiological situation in the Republic of Poland, we invite you only after prior phone arrangement (tel. 42 635-59-39, 42 635-59-41 while the library is open) or by e-mail (library@wmii.uni.lodz.pl)

mgr A. Bujak
Head of the WMiI UŁ Library

June 6, 2020

Resumption of fees for educational services of the University of Lodz

Dear Sir or Madam,

I would like to inform you that on May 31, 2020, the suspension of the obligation to pay fees for educational services, introduced by the Regulation No. 107 of the Rector of the University of Lodz of March 31, 2020, has ended. For students, this means the obligation to regulate these fees within the deadlines postponed by the suspension period, i.e. April 15 is moved to June 15, 2020, and May 15 to July 15, 2020, etc.

We remind you that fees for educational services have been reduced by 20% – for the fee set for one semester, and by 10% – for the fee set for the whole year. Students can deduct their discount from the first installment due. The percentage is accrued from the whole amount and subtracted from the first installment. If the discount is higher than the first installment, then the difference goes to the next installment, etc.

From June 1, 2020, interest is also resumed on unpaid arrears or late payments, so students are advised to pay them immediately.
Students who are currently in a difficult financial situation have the right to apply for concessions specified in the relevant resolutions of the Senate of the University of Lodz (416 from 15 April 2019 or in the case of foreigners – in 417 from 15 April 2019)
WMiI UŁ Secretariat (COSiD UŁ, 06.06.2020)

June 5, 2020


Exam dates for the summer session 2019/2020 are available on the Faculty Webpage.
To check exam dates click here.

June 5, 2020


Exam dates for the summer session 2019/2020 are available on the Faculty Webpage.
To check exam dates click here.

June 4, 2020


Electronic registration for elective courses in the academic year 2020/2021 (both the winter semester and the summer semester) will be open on USOSweb platform

from 09:00 a.m. 05.06.2020
till 11:00 p.m. 14.06.2020

Electronic registration will be available to all students of Computer Science in English, both I degree (BSc) and II degree (MSc).

For more information click here

May 20, 2020

Online exams in June 2020

Schedule of online exams in June 2020 is available on the Faculty Webpage.
To check online exam dates click here.

May 12, 2020

Reduction of fees for educational services in the 2019/20

Attention! The following information and procedures apply to students who pay in EURO for their studies. Refunds of fees paid in PLN are made automatically by the finance department of the University of Lodz.

Dear Students,
we kindly inform you that according to the ordinance No. 107 of the rector of the University of Lodz of 31.03.2020 regarding the reduction of fees for educational services in the 2019/2020 academic year, you have the right to a refund of part of the fee paid for the study.

To get a refund you should:
1. In case of full payment for the 2019/2020 academic year:
Complete the Application for a refund of the part of the tuition fees paid at the University of Lodz (wzory podań pkt 31)
2. In case the payment is divided into installments and the student has not yet paid the full amount for the 2019/2020 academic year:
Complete the Application for a recounting of tuition fee installments paid at the University of Lodz (wzory podan pkt 32)

A scan of the completed and hand-signed application must be sent to the appropriate employee of the dean’s office (in accordance with the field, specialization and the year of study).

Applications will be accepted only from the University of Lodz e-mail account, from the unilodz.eu domain.
The applications can be downloaded from the faculty website (point 31 or 32 )

Best regards,
Elżbieta Kwiatkowska

Zastępca Kierownika w Dziekanacie
Dziekanat Wydziału Matematyki i Informatyki UŁ

May 8, 2020

Online exam participation manual for students

Online exam participation manual for students

Notice from UL Vice-Rector for Teaching adressed to students form outside Poland providing online exam participation manual

Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs

April 29, 2020

Possibility of collecting belongings from the Dormitories of the University of Lodz by students staying in Poland

University of Lodz Rector’s Announcement of 29 April 2020 concerning: the possibility of collecting their belongings from the Dormitories of the University of Lodz by students staying in Poland


April 28, 2020

University of Lodz Rector’s Regulation 116

University of Lodz Rector’s Regulation No. 116 of 28 April 2020 concerning: the specific mode of administering diploma exams in the University of Lodz using information technology tools

Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs

April 23, 2020

University of Lodz Rector’s Regulations 112, 113

Rector’s Regulation no. 113 concerning: the specific mode of administering examinations and final credit assessments in the University of Lodz using information technology tools

Rector’s Regulation no. 112 concerning the division of the 2019-2020 academic year

Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs

April 20, 2020

All activities at UL stay remote until May 31, 2020.

Please, read University of Lodz Rector’s Regulation no. 111 of 20 April 2020.

April 6, 2020

UL’s remote functioning extended until the 3rd of May

Please, read University of Lodz Rector’s Regulation no. 108 regarding UL’s remote functioning.

April 2, 2020

University of Lodz Rector’s Regulation no. 107 of 31 March 2020 concerning: reduction of fees for educational services in the academic year 2019/2020

Please, read the whole document.

April 2, 2020

All information from the University of Lodz is sent only to mail in the domain “unilodz.eu”.

From 1.10.2019 the Regulation of the University of Lodz introduces an obligation for students of University of Lodz to contact only by e-mail accounts in the domain of UL “unilodz.eu”.

During the activation of the AD account, the User will be granted a login in the form of: name.surname@unilodz.eu

In order to use the Service you must log in using the appropriate username and password through the interface available on: http://outlook.uni.lodz.pl

All information from the University of Lodz is sent now only to mail in the domain “unilodz.eu”.

Please check your new mail.
Dean Office WMiI UŁ

March 12, 2020, 12:30

13.03.2020 from 14:00 – USOS will be closed.

Due to the need of upgrade, USOS will be closed from 13.03.2020 at 14:00.
All USOS-related systems: USOSadm, USOSweb (including mobile USOSweb), APD, SRS, Planista will be closed also.
All systems will be available on Monday.
Source: UŁ Computer Center

UŁ Computer Center

January 17, 2020

21.01.2020 r. – Apprenticeships. Mandatory meeting. Computer Science

On 21.01.2020 (Tuesday) at. 16.00 in room D202 of the WMiI UŁ, meeting will be held on apprenticeships for I, II, III year of Computer Science.
Mandatory presence.

January 13, 2020

Questionnaires of evaluation of teachers in winter semester 2019/2020 – for students of all type of study

Please fill in on USOSweb the questionnaires of evaluation of teachers, English version only.
The questionnaires are anonymous and will be active from 13.01.2020 till 02.02.2020.

Questionnaire’s Code: 1100-19/20_N_Z

January 12, 2020

Degree Project 1 and Preparation for MA – WRITTEN TEST 17.01.2020

– hours: 16.15-18.00
– room: D202

January 9, 2020

ERASMUS + PROGRAMME (for full time students) – enrolment for the academic year 2020/2021

The electronic enrolment on the USOSweb platform for student mobility for studies within the ERASMUS + Programme in the academic year 2020/2021 will start on 13.01.2020 at 12:00 and will run until 17.02.2020 up to 12:00.

The information on the enrolment is available on the website: http://erasmus.math.uni.lodz.pl/

January 6, 2020


Exam dates for the winter semester 2019/2020 are available on the Faculty Webpage.
To check exam dates click here.

November 27, 2019

The Phenomenon of Logical Design Lectures

We cordially invite you to participate in the event organized by the Colorful Foundation under the patronage of our Faculty, addressed to both stuff and students:

November 28, 2019 at 10:00 – 12:00, room D103

  • Professor Doris Schattschneider (Moravian College / USA) – “Mathematics and art M.C. Escher “
  • Dr Zdzisław Pogoda (Jagiellonian University) – “Mathematical inspirations by Escher”

The lectures, as part of the Phenomenon of Logical Design project, are devoted to the mathematical aspects of the works of Maurits Escher – a Dutch graphic artist, author of so-called impossible images and tessellation.



The lectures will be conducted in English with a translator.




November 21, 2019


Electronic registration for elective courses in the summer semester of academic year 2019/2020 will be open on USOSweb platform
from 08:00 a.m. 23.11.2019
till 11:00 p.m. 05.12.2019

Electronic registration will be available to the first year students of Computer Science in English, both I degree (BSc) and II degree (MSc).

For more information click here

October 18, 2019

Electronic mail accounts in the domain “unilodz.eu”.

We would like to remind you that from 1/10/2019 the University of Lodz Regulations introduce
obligation for students of the University of Lodz to contact the University of Lodz only with electronic mail accounts in the domain “unilodz.eu“.

During the activation of the AD account, the User will be given a login in the form:


In order to use the Service, log in using the appropriate username and password through the interface available at


Information from the Faculty of WMiI is sent only to the mail in the domain “unilodz.eu“.

Please check your new mail !!!

October 8, 2019

11.10.2019 (Friday) – Rector’s Hours from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. at University of Lodz

Rector’s Announcement 7.10.2019.

October 2, 2019


I would like to cordially invite all students of I degree (Bachelor degree) and II degree (Master degree) that study Computer Science in English to attend the information meeting about studies.

The meeting for the first year students of Bachelor degree is scheduled for October 9th, 2019, Wednesday, at 10:15 a.m.
in Aula of Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science.

The meeting for the first year students of Master degree is scheduled for October 10th, 2019, Thursday, at 10:15 a.m.
in Aula of Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science.

Presence is obligatory.

Dr hab. Dorota Bors, Assoc. Prof.

September 24, 2019

Class Schedule for the winter semester 2019/2020 is available on the Faculty Webpage

To check class schedule click here.
Due to possible small changes, please check your class schedule just before the start of the winter semester.

September 24, 2019

Registration for Physical Education classes for students of 3rd year 1st degree (Bachelor Degree Program) and 2nd year 2nd degree (Master Degree Program)

Physical Education classes in the winter semester 2019/2020 begin on October 1, 2019.
Registration for Physical Education is from: 2019-09-24 09:00 a.m., to: 2019-10-14 23:59 p.m.

For more information click here.



Electronic registration for Degrees Projects in Academic Year 2019/2020 will be open on USOSweb platform
from 08:00 a.m. 03.06.2019
till 11:00 p.m. 09.06.2019
Electronic registration will be available to all students of Computer Science in English, both I degree (BSc) and II degree (MSc).

If you have any questions and/or problems, please write to irena.salska@wmii.uni.lodz.pl



Electronic registration for elective courses in the academic year 2019/2020 (both the winter semester and the summer semester) will be open on USOSweb platform

from 08:00 a.m. 30.05.2019
till 11:00 p.m. 09.06.2019

Electronic registration will be available to all students of Computer Science in English, both I degree (BSc) and II degree (MSc).

For more information click here



Exam dates for the summer semester 2018/2019 are available on the Faculty Webpage.

To check exam dates click here.


Erasmus+ – the enrollment for the academic year 2019/2020 (for full time students)

The electronic enrollment on the USOSweb platform for student mobility for studies within the ERASMUS + Programme in the academic year 2019/2020 will start on 10.01.2019 at 12:00 and will run until 17.02.2019 up to 12:00.
More information on the websites:

BWZ » In English
The information meeting about recruitment for ERASMUS + in the academic year 2018/19 IN ENGLISH.
The International Relations Office of Lodz University invites the UL students interested to go for the Erasmus exchange program in the academic year 2018/19 for the information meeting about recruitment process.



Exam dates for the winter semester 2018/2019 are available on the Faculty Webpage.

To check exam dates click here.



Electronic registration for elective courses in the summer semester of academic year 2018/2019 will be open on USOSweb platform
from 08:00 a.m. 15.12.2018
till 11:00 p.m. 31.12.2018

Electronic registration will be available to the first year students of Computer Science in English, both I degree (BSc) and II degree (MSc).

For more information click here


12.11.2018 – NO CLASSES

We would like to inform that there will be no classes on 12.11.2018.


31.10.2018 FROM 2 P.M. – NO CLASSES

We would like to inform that (in accordance with the Announcement of the Rector of the University of Łódź) there will be no classes on 31.10.2018 starting from 2:00 p.m.



I would like to cordially invite all students of I degree (Bachelor degree) and II degree (Master degree) that study Computer Science in English to attend the information meeting about studies.

The meeting for the first year students of Bachelor degree is scheduled for October 10th, 2018, Wednesday, at 1:00 p.m. in room D103.

The meeting for the first year students of Master degree is scheduled for October 10th, 2018, Wednesday, at 2:00 p.m. in room A407.

Presence is obligatory.


Class Schedule for the winter semester 2018/2019 is available on the Faculty Webpage

To check class schedule click here

Due to possible small changes of class schedule, please check your class schedule just before the start of the winter semester.


Registration for Physical Education classes for students of 3rd year 1st degree (Bachelor Degree Program) and 2nd year 2nd degree (Master Degree Program)

September 27, 2018

Physical Education classes in the winter semester 2018/2019 begin on October 2, 2018.
Registration for Physical Education is from: 2018-09-25 09:00 a.m., to: 2018-10-15 23:59 p.m.
For more information see: www.math.uni.lodz.pl/~bors/ComputerScience/PE20182019zima.html


ERASMUS+ PROGRAMME – Enrollment for the academic year 2018/2019 (for
stationary students)

December 6, 2017

The electronic enrollment on the USOSweb platform for student mobility for
studies within the ERASMUS + Programme in the academic year 2018/2019
will start on 11.12.2017 at 12:00 p.m. and will run until 10.01.2018, 12:00 p.m.

More information on the websites:


7-10.12.2017 – Wandering Seminar

Wandering seminar

December 4, 2017
A mini-conference on Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Lodz, Lodz, 7 – 10 December 2017.

Wandering Seminar is an initiative which aims at integrating ergodic theory and dynamical systems research groups in Poland. The idea is to organise mini-conferences/workshops a few times each year. These meeting are to be devoted to actual research topics in our area. Contrary to what the title suggests, this should be a recurring event, which only wanders geographically across Polish universities with dynamical systems research groups.


28-30.11.2017 – A change of the open hours of prof. dr. hab. M. Studniarski

November 27, 2017
A change of the open hours of the Dean prof. dr. hab. M. Studniarski in the current week:
– the departmental open hours are moved from Tuesday, 28.11.2017 to Wednesday 29.11.2017, 10:00 – 12:00 (room A214);
– the Dean open hours  on Thursday 30 November 2017 are shortened: 12.00-13.00 (room A214).



08.12.2017 – deadline for applications


Increasing number of international students choose Poland as their education destination. Currently this group numbers nearly 66 000. They have become an integral part of the Polish academic environment. The INTERSTUDENT competition is the first initiative fully focused on the international student community in Poland.

In prevoius year the Polish universities nominated over 100 candidates for the INTERSTUDENT contest. Among them there were Ukrainians, Belarussians, Indians, candidates from Armenia, China, Egypt, Georgia, Spain, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Canada, Kenya, South Korea, Namibia, Russia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Sri Lanka, Syria, and Italy.

The INTERSTUDENT competition is aimed at international students in Poland at the Bachelor, Master and Doctoral level. Both foreign nationals and students with dual citizenship are eligible. Candidates should be active in such fields as culture, social life, ecology or sports and promote multicultural ideas among their peers. They are also expected to be in a good academic standing.

Candidates for INTERSTUDENT 2018 contest can be sumbitted by professors, tutors, university authorities, international offices, student governments, as well as candidate’s colleagues.

The INTERSTUDENT Competition is organized by Perspektywy Educational Foundation within “Study in Poland” programme.

Partners: Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland (CRASP), Polish Students Parliament, Poland’s PhD Students Union (KRD).

The results of the contest will be announced on January 29, 2018 at the annual conference “Foreign Students in Poland”.

You are welcome to view the photo gallery of the previous edition of the competition.


Deadline for the competition applications is December 8, 2017.

More information on the website http://studyinpoland.pl/interstudent/en/.


Summer School

Understanding Poland: Economy, Society and Science

Summer School Understanding Poland



ERASMUS + PROGRAMME (for full-time students)
Enrollment for the academic year 2017/2018

The electronic enrollment on the USOSweb platform for student mobility for studies within the ERASMUS+ Programme in the academic year 2017/2018 will start on 16.01.2017 at 12:00 p.m. and will run until 22.02.2017, 12:00 p.m.

The information on the enrollment is available on the websites: